Blockage Monitor Sensor Adapter

Precision Planting (Intelligent Ag System) / Recon Blockage inline adapter. Available for three different hose sizes: 7/8″, 1″, or 1-1/8″.

7/8″ Hose size adapter

Adapts 1″ Recon Blockage sensor (153510-000022) with 1-1/4″ internal diameter to 7/8″ internal diameter hose size.

1″ Hose size adapter (white)

Adapts 1.25″ Recon Blockage sensor (153510-000066) with 1-1/2″ internal diameter to 1″ internal diameter hose size.

1-1/8″ Hose size adapter

Adapts 1.25″ Recon Blockage sensor (153510-000066) with 1-1/2″ internal diameter to 1-1/8″ internal diameter hose size.




SKU: 353070-000038, 353070-000252,  353070-000113

  • 7/8″ (353070-000038)
  • 1″ (353070-000252)
  • 1-1/8″ (353070-000113)

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