Looking to return parts? Prior to any return, please call at 701-205-1485 for authorization and fill out the Customer Return Form below, and include the form in the return package.


Red E LLC reserves the right to only accept returns from the original purchaser within 90 days of the purchase date. This applies to all Red E Ag products, as long as they are in new condition (clean, not used, and inspected for merchantability) and in the original packaging. A 15% restocking fee may be applied to all returned parts and a credit will be issued to the customer within 30 days of receipt of the parts (either by check or customer account credit to apply to future purchases).


Red E LLC will not pay for the return shipping/freight costs (unless the wrong parts were shipped by mistake or parts arrived damaged), nor will Red E LLC issue credit for the original shipping/freight of the parts.


Precision Planting / Intelligent Ag Solutions

For any issues with Precision Planting products purchased through Red E, you can submit a Warranty Claim through Precision Planting.

For Precision Planting product support, call their support line
(877) 912-5973

Red E Performance Ag Parts & Service
2700 7th Avenue N
Fargo, North Dakota 58102 USA
(701) 205-1485 (call or text)


We are proud to provide quality, durable parts & service, and focus on outstanding customer satisfaction.


You deserve peace of mind! Our warranty protects you against material defects that may occur for one calendar year from the date of sale. Select products carry additional warranties. Review our full warranty below.


To submit a warranty claim, fill out the Warranty Claim Request form below.