Extended Wear Bolt-on Spiked Closing Wheel Kit

In hard soil or no-till conditions, smooth cast closing wheels often struggle to fully close the furrow, creating poor seed-to-soil contact and reduced stands.  The patented Bolt-on Spiked Closing Wheel kit from Red E utilizes your existing cast closing wheel and adds the benefits of a spiked closing wheel. It crumbles the furrow sidewall and moves soil more effectively, while at the same time not being too aggressive like many of the aftermarket spiked closing wheel options on the market today.




  • US PATENT 9,043,948
  • Улучшает закрытие борозды и крошение её боковины
  • Economical solution for your John Deere smooth cast closing wheel
  • Изготовлено из броневой стали для длительного срока службы
  • В комплект включены необходимые втулки и крепеж класса прочности Grade 8
  • Разработано и изготовлено в Северной Дакоте, США.


Вес 7.09 фунт
Габариты 13.5 × 13.5 × 1.125 дюйм


For use on John Deere 60 and 90 series no-till drills

Works with John Deere P/N: N282110, A105392

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