Комплект деталей корпуса дозатора из нержавеющей стали

Are you tired of fighting with your old corroded OEM seed meter assembly on your John Deere 1900/1910 air cart?  Now is the time to make the switch to Red E’s stainless steel solutions.  We carry a complete line of stainless steel air cart parts from the tank all the way to the seeder.  Our stainless steel meter housing parts kit contains all necessary parts to replace all agitator and drive components within the meter housing.




This kit contains the necessary parts to replace all agitator and drive components within the meter housing including:

  • Red E exclusive stainless agitators and clips
  • Stainless agitator rod
  • Stainless drive shaft

Примечание: всегда используйте противозадирную смазку по резьбе крепежа из нержавеющей стали.



Kanpar, Romafa

Число продуктопроводов

3, 4, 5, 6, 8


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